Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Time to Reclaim our State !!

Twenty days on from the day when a paralyzing dismay had engulfed the city of Mumbai. So, where are we now? What is the status quo now ? What has changed and what has not? What has the government done and what have 'We' the 'People of India' done?

Lets talk about the government first. Fingers have been pointed at Pakistan for not being able to put a leash on militant activities in it's territory. Pakistan under pressure from India and the world, has taken some steps to appease them.

According to some foreign policy analysts, if Pakistan is implicated in these attacks, it could take these two nuclear-armed states to the brink of an all-out-war. Well that could really be the intent behind these attacks. At a time when Delhi and Islamabad were talking peace and the new civilian regime in Pakistan was taking some meaningful steps to reach out to India, these militant groups were desperate to put a kibosh on the talks.

Well lets leave that part for now because only time would tell what happens eventually and whether the steps the two governments have taken reach any logical conclusion.

Coming to the part about the people. Lets see what has changed there. My gripe once again is that we are busy putting the blame for the attacks on our neighbor, but we refuse to see all that's wrong with our system.

I was watching one of these 'citizen journalist' shows on IBN recently. This retired Colonel from J&K took their crew to the Jammu railway station and debunked on national TV the lack of security there. The police personnel who were supposed to be present at a certain spot were missing, the CCTV installed right next to that place was 'Out of Order'. People were coming out and going in without any checks. He also showed an alternate way to enter the platforms area from around the barbed wired boundaries, thus circumventing any security checks.

This is not the case of just one railway station. I am sure there are many more of the same across the country. The cops and security personnel are not the only ones shirking their responsibility. Just about every place you go, this laxness can be seen.

So, what is it that needs to change? Well, too many things to even list out!! The partisan politics that has been the bane of our country since forever. The long 'Red Tape' in bureaucracy that has prevented us from making some hard decisions in the past. The sleaze of corruption that had stained our social and moral fabric. The averseness of educated and competent people to get into politics and government jobs. The social and economic situation of a large strata of our people. And lastly and perhaps most importantly, the 'capitalist' mindset and attitude that has debauched our entire population. It has an overbearing influence on not just our education system but on just about every aspect of life. In spite of all the problems that our country is in, it is still the love of the lucre that guides our people. There is no sense of social responsibility. Hence, more than anything, this needs to change.

So, where do we start ? Since there are so many things to do, its easy to sit back and not do them. But we should know, "All that is needed by evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing". And that's what we have been doing or rather not doing for the past so many years.

I had mentioned in my previous post that a very common excuse that we make for not doing anything is that it is not possible for a single person to change the system. Why not do it as a group then?

"Well, I am doing my job well. I am not corrupt, I abide by the law at all times and that is the maximum I can do" is surely good but perhaps not good enough. To clean up our system, we would need to do more than just that. Definitely we can start by doing all of these things, but the magnitude of the problem necessitates our involvement at a much deeper level.

I am sure that our generation has got tremendous potential. We all are educated, we all know that numerous problems plague our country and to be frank, none of us wants them. Some of us are doing some work too at whatever level we can. What we need to do is to consolidate these efforts, and come together in much greater numbers. As long as we stay fragmented, the maximum we'd be able to do is 'to do some cleaning in the nearby slum clusters', 'improve the conditions of that neighbourhood public park' or 'provide some food or clothing to the indigent in our area'. If we come together we can achieve so much more. We have to go at the problem in great numbers. Only then is there a chance to succeed.

We can form groups, large groups. We could start at at a local level, but what we need to proclaim at the very outset of this movement is 'freedom'. Freedom not from a foreign rule, but from our own selfish selves.

If we think that our politicians are the problem, then we need to replace them. But since all the alternatives are equally bad, we would need to replace them with new people. People from within us. New people who are better, who are educated and can do the right thing.

Its really difficult to achieve this when all the people who are capable of doing the work have other options which are much more lucrative. But that's the place where we need to stop and aks ourselves a few questions. Is education just a means to make big money ? Of what use is it if it does not help us realize our social and civic responsibility? Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. And if it does not do that, it has not served its purpose.

I know these things sound too idealistic, but perhaps the time has come to turn to idealism. Clearly, (capitalism) is not helping !! Also, I know that things are not going to change overnight. They cannot. The effects of so many years of corruption and irresponsibility, cannot be undone so soon. But we have to make a start now.

I end with these line from the great American philosopher and psychologist,William James.

"The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives".

And that's really all we need to do !!

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