Generally I don't write this often. Roughly once a month. I just published a post a few days back but what happened in Egypt recently spurred me into writing another post.
"There are decades where nothing happens; and then there are weeks where decades happen" - these words are quite apropos in describing what transpired in Egypt. A popular uprising usurped the 30 year rule of Hosni Mubarak. In a matter of days the political landscape of the country changed completely.
Scenes in the news showed huge crowds in the streets. Air pregnant with emotion. Joy, tears, ecstasy, euphoria. Nehru said in his famous speech in 1947, "A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance". No other words could be truer in Egypt's context.
Democracy is something the Egyptians would have to wait for. But they've made a start. Democratic institutions take time to be set up and there is a possibility that it may all go awry if the wrong people get the reins of power. But the fear of the unknown cannot stop you from doing what is right.
The Egyptians had a dream, the dream of freedom, the dream of democracy. And they believed in that dream. And when someone believes in something, get excited by an idea then they can achieve it. And that's what the Egyptians did.
What we saw was the triumph of human spirit. The thing that in my opinion makes our species special. The spiritual and mental part of our humanity. Our ability to come together for a purpose and transcend the individual.
Long live this human spirit. And long live freedom.
Viva la razzza !!!